Clerk EZ-Record

Electronically Record 1) Notices of Commencement, 2) Notices of Termination and 3) Declarations of Domicile into the Clerk's Official Records System.

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About Clerk EZ-Record

The Clerk's office is now accepting Notices of Commencement, Notices of Termination, and Declarations of Domicile from the general public for electronic recording. Clerk EZ-Record eliminates the need to mail or deliver these documents to the Clerk's office, saving time and money for our customers. Register now for free.

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Clerk EZ-Record Requirements

  • 1) Notice of Commencement or
  • 2) Declarations of Domicile
  • 3) Notices of Termination
  • Document must be in a PDF format.
  • A one-inch margin on all sides.
  • A blank 3-inch by 3-inch space on the top right of the first page.
  • Document must be scanned. No photographs of documents will be accepted.
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